Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today's picture: Me after 33!

Well, some people might say that I'm such a friggin' camwhore but let me just clarify this.  It's only been two days since I turned 33 and I just want to record and memorize the 33 year old me in photos, and when I reach milestones upon milestones of my age (If I'm still alive by then! God willing..) I'll be able to look back at these snapshots and said: Dang! That was me when I was 33!

So, here's me, two days after celebrating my 33rd birthday!




  1. happy birthday dearie...
    ya... saya pun suka ambil foto and cuci lagi tu gambar ya..
    sbb apabila tua nanti (kalau dipanjangkan umur) saya mau tengok balik tu foto2 lama... siok bah kan... hehehe

    1. Thank you! Ya ba, betul tu. Nanti kalau suda tua kerepot, semua gambar2 time muda tiada, yang ada cuma gambar semasa ahahahaha..rugi oh!

  2. 33? i think u look younger than me *cry*

    happy belated birthday :)

  3. Wohohohoho... x pa..... Yg penting muka tetap muda. Ngeheheeheh ~ nanti kita hangout lagi keh.



The Long Absence..

 For 6 years.. I haven't been writing anything.  The last entry that I posted was in October 2016! Damn! That feels like a century ago.....