Monday, December 3, 2012

Ayam Penyet

I have acquired a taste for Ayam Penyet dishes! Basically, ayam penyet is an Indonesian dish consisting of fried chicken seasoned with spices and served with steamed rice, spicy sambal, fried tofu, fried tempe and vegetables.  Here's the picture:

Picture courtesy of: Deal's Navigator

So, given my penchant for ayam penyet, I bought a voucher (set meal for 4) at Groupon Malaysia for a price of RM25! A real nice bargain, I must say. You can also buy the package for 2 all at  RM16! 
The participating outlet (in KK) for this package is Koki Bandung Restaurant, located at Alamesra, opposite 1Borneo Hypermall. 

Wanna see my voucher? Here it is:

I bought the package for 4 people. Enough for me, my two sisters and my brother-in-law.  They've been hounding me forever for ayam penyet treat and well, I've finally granted their wish!  Voucher redeemable from Dec 12th til Feb 12th.

Yay...nom nom nom..

1 comment:

  1. Looks tempting. INteresting way to serve a meal, esp the rice.
    The name 'penyet' is kind of funny to some.


The Long Absence..

 For 6 years.. I haven't been writing anything.  The last entry that I posted was in October 2016! Damn! That feels like a century ago.....