TM Music Festival Pesta Malam Indonesia 3
Venue: Bukit Jalil Stadium @ outdoor arena
Date: Sat, 20th June 2009
ok, i'm not much of a concert-rat kind of a person but my bestfriend practically collared and kidnapped me away to go see the concert. apparently, she's into this indo band called Andra & The Backbone. so, there i was, sacrificing myself to the merciless heat and not to mention 'colourful' people cramming to see their idols : Padi, Gigi, Dewa 19, Sheila on 7, Andra & The Backbone. of course these names are undisputed crowd-puller, the giants of Indo music scenes.
and.. it turned out, i had a great fun. the performances were superb, vocally and muscially. despite the sweltering heat, they kept on churning great performances. I especially liked Sheila on 7..wonder where did the lead singer, Duta found the energy to jump around the stage and still managed to maintain his vocal chord! hats off, dia tidak pancit pun! Great entertainer, his sometimes funny antics on stage cheered the crowds up
walaupun pening tengok terlalu ramai orang, dengan ragam dan 'aroma' yang alahai...i had a really great time. Overall, fantastic performances from all the bands involved..
makasih ya mas mas sekalian lol.... did i get it correctly? :)
here are some of the pics from the concert..

nice pic :)
ReplyDeleteu still hot babe....ehehe masih putungan gitar...fewwiittt
ReplyDeletehehehe..LAi, mana gia ko tau sia masih putungan gitar? kah atau ko cakap tentang gambar no. 7?
ReplyDeleteheheheh...tapi tengkiu la :P
yup...from this pic yg d FB lagi cool..."2 pax" powerrrr....hahaha
ReplyDeletesuda sa takan 'like' sana pic2 kau tu..ekekeke
stay in that shape...yeeeehaaaa...hahah
p/s:nasib teda lg 'juicy bits story' mcm awal2 ko stat blog dulu...ekekek
juicy bits story, oh..i've got lots and lots of them but i think there's no need to write off the most juiciest part, doncha think? lol...
ReplyDeleteToyok, thanks for the compliment :)
ReplyDeleteuish...mesti tu tau...ekekek
ReplyDeletemisti write tu...hahah wajib aa...mana tau sa 'terjoin' juiciest part tu smday...ekekek :P beg u to writeeee...hahahah
skarang ni tidak berapa jajal suda. nti la, kalau ada cerita menarik dan hot, ko tebaca juga tu :)
ReplyDeletetidak brapa jajal a...buli konfem kaitu???muahahahah :P
ReplyDeletesa jajal la sa ma kko ni.... :P