Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Travel, Get Paid & Own a Page on Yahoo! Travel!!!

Aspiring to be like those globe trekking hosts? Want to experience FUN, PLAY AND GET PAID? Yes or no? Now, here's the chance for you to realize your dreams!!

Don't you wish you have all the money in the world so you could travel around the world? Ahhh.. The thought of visiting Eiffel Tower in Paris or sightseeing in New Zealand do jiggle the freedom we all yearn for far too long. Well, listen up, Churpers! Cause we're bringing you the best deal ever!

MAS Traveller is going to be the answer to your life long dream. All you gotta do is to craft a blogpost, upload a video and promote it. With just 4 simple steps from MAS Traveller and you could be on your way to South Africa or even awesome Korea! Be quick. Put your creative hat on, and you could be the lucky ones to stand a chance to win TWO all-expense-paid trips and own a page on Yahoo! Travel!! Share this with your family and friends today. .

Hurry now and reach out for your dreams by clicking this link:

What does my life revolve around? Work, work and more work! How do you spell peaceful weekend when shopping malls are packed like mad? I need a getaway! Join #MASTraveller today & stand a chance for a well-deserved holiday!

Have fun! Contest ends on April 1, 2011. Good luck, people! May Lady Luck is on your side..



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The Long Absence..

 For 6 years.. I haven't been writing anything.  The last entry that I posted was in October 2016! Damn! That feels like a century ago.....