There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants and we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars - Oscar Wilde
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Am Wasted!
i woke up nursing a hangover, leftover from last night drinking session with my friends. It was around 9pm when I received a call from a friend. Apparently, she's having a party (at Bisik Rest in Ampang Park) with a horde of her gila-gila friends. Naturally, she was 'clucking' that I should get my ass off over there and 'enlisted my aide' in finishing the drinks (well, actually i am not really enamored with whisky, so to speak) but hey, there's always beer and cocktail. So, off i went and's a-okay night albeit I didn't really enjoy the selection of the songs (performed by the 3 piece bands) and the freaking DJ kept on spinning old retro records (ok, i'm sure he's really good at what he does).
we left Bisik approximately close to midnight and the girls regrouped at Conlay. Tropical Storm was brewing there, lol no lah. Tropical Storm is the band which currently playing there. Then, you do the usual stuff la. Drinks and ciggies combined, what else. Hummppph..the place was packed with groups of youths who looked like minah & mat rempits to me! Okay, the music was a good improvement compared to those I suffered in Bisik. Sorry, no pun intended. Maybe the night was intended as retro night...
Anyhow, we left the place around 3am and as usual, continued wasting the hour away at Lotus. It was close to 5am when I reached the safety of my own room, washed, stripped and snored my drunkedness away.
my my my...what a night.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Back in KL
suffice to say, i was chewing most of the time, be it morning, noon, evening, or late night suppers! aside from my mum's cooking, my sister's fiancee kept on feeding us! No wonder my sister has become 'tersangat-sangatlah montel' During my last night stay at my sister's place, he treated us with 'makan-makan' session at the stall, in front of the shopping mall (which is within walking distance from my sister's house) I had beef & chicken satay, soto ayam, beef burger, chicken wing bbq and fresh fruit juice. Gosh! that's all i can say....
overall, my vacation was great! oh, forgot to add... my skin has turned to brown! i was outside most of the time, roaming the streets of KK, checking out new shopping malls :-)
i got myself a brand new tatoo, on the left side of my legs :-D
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Greetings from KK!
well, as of now, I'm posting from one of the internet cafe, here, in Centrepoint KK. Been here (my hometown) since 18th Oct and planning to return to KL end of this month. It's good to be
back and I AM ENJOYING EVERY MOMENTS OF IT! one thing for sure, KK has changed a lot. I mean, the last time I was here, there were no Starbucks, MNG, San Francisco, Nose and Secret Recipe! Now, you can find it here. KK is thriving, REALLY!
aside from the reunion with my ex-collegemates, my sister get herself engaged to a 'galah man!' She's just 5'1" and he's a six footer! He's dwarfing each and everyone of family member :-) well, I'm glad that she finally found her man and hope that they will be happy together.
Hmmm....i have to log of now. My one hour has ended lol... until next time
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Becoming an entreprenuer???
Our emails aren't spared from these unscrupolous characters!

... I say, HAH!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Poster for political campaign in Poland

Seven women, including Women's Party (Partia Kobiet, PK) founder and president, writer Manuela Gretkowska, have launched their campaign with nude posters of themselves with the logo "The Party of Women. Poland is a Woman" masking their private parts.
The poster also incorporates their electoral slogan: "Everything for the future... and nothing to hide.""This poster is intended to shatter stereotypes in the anachronistic world of politics, which is more often dominated by uncommunicative men with their black tie outfits.," said Gretkowska
"We are beautiful, nude, proud. We are true and sincere, body and soul. This is not pornography, there is nothing to see in terms of sex, our faces are intelligent, concerned, proud. We do not have our mouths open nor our eyes closed," she said. "All that interests us is the future, the position of women in society. We will open the archives of the former secret communist agents, we will make known their corrupt affairs," said Gretkowska.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I read, read, and read....

Nora Roberts : another one of my favourite
Spur of the moment purchased!
Sandra Brown, another brilliant authoress. The late Brit female author, Melissa Nathan with her witty and funny contemporary novel :-)
Well, Kinokuniya has been my favourite afterwork hangout!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Bad Fashion vs Weird Fashion
Look at that.... the misshapen rainbow concotion is highlighted by the equally wrongly match accessories. Oh look! is that a cat carcass being pinned on her skirt?!! Love the shoes, beads and bangles though.

WTF! Clearly Lil' Mama has a split personality. Blinding fabric and a pacifier? she should be put under house arrest for this. For crying out loud, it's VMA, not a theme party!

Uh huh... here goes Ms. Skinny & Winking Big Nippies! Posh Spice must be cringing looking at this pic now. There's nothing sexy about twigs with oversized boobs and winking nippies

If you really really wish to be incognito (or you're hiding from ah longs) by all means, this can be your 'wadrobe of the week".

J.H.C! should you experience a power supply failure, fear not for this dress is fully equipped with lighting bulbs...

Please save this poor guy from himself! Ok, the tee and bowler hat are kinda cool but please ditch the M&M hideous pants! What's the deal with that 90s pink wrist band and fanny pack?


Friday, September 14, 2007
Sabahan Beauties - Local & International Acts
Personally, the most prominent to date are the Sabah born lass, Cherilyn Lim a.k.a Che'Nelle, the talented young singer (she's currently making waves internationally) and Daphne Eleanor Iking (a regular face in the Malaysian entertainment industry)
My Pick:
1. Che'Nelle - The 24-year-old Sabah born singer, currently residing in U.S, debuted her first album "Things Happen For A Reason" under Virgin Records American label. She was the opening act for Kanye West's concert in Australia last year. Google her and you'd be surprised, she's all over the net. Her single "I Fell In Love With The DJ" is a smash hit internationally.

2. Daphne Iking - the delecteble former beauty queen, a model, actress and TV personality.

3. Marsha Milan Londoh - A graduate of local TV reality show "Akademi Fantasia". She's a budding singer, actress and model. She's the new face for an international beauty product, Nivea.
4. Linda Nanuwil - another Akademi Fantasia graduate. The beauty who caught the attention of many Malaysian. She has one album under her belt and acted in a film, directed by Malaysian well-known director Datuk Yusoff Haslam. Her second album is set to be released soon.
5. Nicollette (Nikki) Palikat - The Malaysian Idol graduate. Known for her strong vocal. The protege of Ning Baizura, Malaysian well-known and successful singer/actress, released her debut album "Maharani' last year. She also collaborated with other Malaysian singers.
6. Azharina Azhar - Another successful singer. Competed in Bintang HMI RTM. Known for her strong and husky vocal. Her single "Elegi Sepi" has sealed her place in the Malaysian music industry.
7. Pija - the younger sister of the singer Azharina. A graduate of local TV reality show (singing competition) "Mentor" Her energetic perfomance combine with her strong and unique vocal made her a favourite among judges and viewers. She bagged the title. Hopefully, we'll see more from her

8. Karen Kong - the petite lass from Labuan, she's a Chinese who sings in Malay songs! Yes, she's famous on her own right. Her demo and makeshift music video are widely accessed by thousands in Youtube. Her first full Malay album debuted early this year.

9. Candra "Candy" Clement - another graduate from the reality show "Akademi Fantasia"
signed under Maestro Talent Management, hope to hear more from her very soon.

10. Velvet L. Aduk - Fellow Akademi Fantasia graduate. wowed the viewers with her strong vocal.

11. Yanie - a former contestant in the singing competition "Mentor" another protege of the singer Ning Baizura, no doubt she'll make another interesting addition to the Malaysian music scene. hit single to date "Drama" a duet number between herself, Ning Baizura and Nikki. Also a budding actress, she can be seen in TV 3's serial "Farra"

well, I say good luck to these beauties. Do continue to wow us with your talents...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Once upon a time (story of a kampong girl)
Despite growing up in a "struggling to make ends meet" kind of environment, me and my siblings were pretty much happy on our own. I was the youngest in my family and was such a pester, a royal pain in the ass, that according to my brothers and male cousins. Needless to say, I was a tomboy. I was very small, thin, sporting dark skin, smudged and dirty face and my hair was...gosh, I think my head was a breeding ground for lice!!!
My aunt was like "Child, you come over here. Let me have a look at that lice farm of yours (referring to my head), I won't be surprised if I get to see lices as big as your dad's kerbau hitam jumping off from your head" and she would comb my hair painstakingly, searching for lices and would only gave up after my constant fidgeting. I hated people messing up with my hair, to me, it's a biggest annoyance while the rest of the terror gangs were out in the backyard or lake, playing!
My mum, aunties and uncles dubbed us as the 'Terror Gang" Why? They said, "Children, your wild and crazy antics would make us die of heart attacks!" Being such a hell-riser kids, it always fell deaf on several pairs of red ears (due to the constant ear-boxing sprees by our mums)
Our favoured afterschool games were:
1. Tarzan & Jane
There was a lake not far away from our house. It's not so deep and you could see many wild pineapple plants growing densely along the its banks. We always have this kind of competition like who would get the most juicy and rippen pineapple fruit. Of course, being the smallest in the group, I would normally lost, beaten by the bigger kids!
ok, back to the Tarzan antics, there's a big tree growing at the right side of the lake and some thick and sinewy vines were clinging onto it. Voila! Those thick and sturdy vines were just the perfect instruments for swinging games! To our young minds alike, "yeah...bring on the Tarzan!!!" So, there would be several 'naked as a jaybird' kids, yelling on top of their lungs "Oooooooooooooo!" with brownish thin arms and legs flailing dropping/splashing right into the lake. Splaaaaash, that was fun!
2. Forest and bushes exploration
we liked forest and bushes too! Often times after school, we would ventured into the forest and bushes behind our houses compounds. It's such a thrill when we encountered some edible wild fruits (wild rambutans, durians, berries, tarap, etc), and the most thrilling part was making animal traps - which of course would normally got away! However, some of them were not so lucky and ended up being roasted on makeshift camp fires (we didn't torture 'em okay, we were just a bunch of hungry kids :-D) Yup, we were a bunch of little bushmen!
3. Truth of Dare(devil) stunts
i'm sure by now, most of us are kinda familiar with this game (well, at least for kampong kids). I remember we're always up doing crazy things. The year was 1989, and I just turned 8. It was a monsoon season and it's raining constantly from morning to evening. Sometimes, it rained 24hrs non-stop. Most afternoons, after school, we would be trapped inside the house. Sometimes, school would be cancelled for several days (or a week at most). For us, it was a torture. We couldn't play Tarzan & Jane, we couldn't go for forest and bushes exploration and our parents forbade us to play in the rain or else...! Such was the verdict. But of course, being naughty, typical hard-headed kampong kids, 'the curfew' normally lasted about one or two days.
the craziest stunt we ever did was daring each other to swim accross a flooding river! When I think about it now, there's no amount of money can persuade me to do such death defying stunts. I've been neutralized from it. The story goes like this:
it was about 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It was raining and we were bored to death. 4 of us sneaked out of the house and ambled towards the river. Sure enough, due to the heavy rain, the river had swollen twice to its original size. It was murky, with its strong current carrying pieces of broken woods, uprooted small trees and occasionally some floating logs downstream. Stupidly enough, we never think of the danger (or in this case the dire straits of consequences should our parents caught a wift of what we're about to do!)
Our method was, firstly we walked farther upstream (along the riverbank of course, about 5oo meters).Then, we would start cross-swimming the river from farther upstream and reach the other side of the river by just following its current flow . Of course, you won’t be swimming in a straight line. True enough, we landed about 50 meters from the already marked designated landing spot. Boy, we felt like we struck a pot of gold big time! I mean, no one in my kampong (adults or young alike) attempted to cross-swimming a flooding river before and did it successfully! It was a really really big deal for us. The feeling was kinda like “a chest-thumping Mr. Ripley with his findings of strange / unbelievable artifacts”
Unfortunately, the elation was short-lived! Our parents were waiting on the other side of the river, thunderous expressions and deadly scowls with mean looking rotans in hands. Boy, the sound of ‘paaaaaps…piaakkks…adoiiiiiiiiiis’ was like a bad choir! Pokok senduduk pun hinggap di bontot. We were being walloped left, right and centre, merauuuuuuuuuuung sakan! Suffice to say, the next day, we had enough red welts in our skin to compare with. Who had the deepest cut, who had the longest or the shortest red welt marks, who cried the most and who won ‘the most budak jajal (nakal) / tough kid’ award.
We're lucky that none of our parents died of heart attack! Ok…eventually, we had our two weeks of fame. We became the talk of the kampong for about two weeks or so. Other kids at school looked at us with some kind of admiration and boy…did we bask on it? oh yes, tremendously!
Too bad, all these ‘kenakalan’ ended when my family relocated in the city and I was sent to a boarding school. I was 12 years old. They're distant memories now but once in a while, during family gatherings, stories of the ‘terror gang’ especially the river incident will resurface and those young nieces and nephews would go, like, “wahhhhh….uncle / auntie, inda sangka kamurang semua ni betul2 terrer!”
Yes, I was indeed, lucky to be born in the kampong. And, deep down in my heart: Yes, I am a kampong girl :-)
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Pariah Driver
I dragged my feet grudgingly down to the bus stand and waited for about 15 minutes before the next bus came. Okay, i'm not talking about buses here. I'm talking about some pariah driver who doesn't have the courtesy of slowing down their vehicles when passing through puddles of rain water on the road! As just, this morning, myself and several other people had a free shower!! A car was speeding like bats from hell and whooooosssh! Next thing I know, I was cursing like sailors! My skirt, my blouse and tight were completely drenched. I didn't even have the chance to put down my umbrella (as shield) and several other ladies were not spared as well. Saints above! I'm wearing black and suffice to say that it doesn't go well with dried mud water.
I was really tempted to pick up a stone and hurled it over to that fucker's windscreen but of course I didn't, besides, am a lady not a caveman. Some people are worst than the neanderthal man! I really hope that the celaka will get his retribution one fine day... just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Missing : Have You Seen Her?
Such is the plight of one grief-stricken family in KL. Their daughter dissapeared without a trace. Worst scenario, she might be kidnapped and hidden by monsters - criminal syndicate who is targeting children, either for prostitution or forcing them to beg, out in the streets.
As reproted in the local news:
sources from The New Straits Times
KUALA LUMPUR: It has been two weeks since 8-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin disappeared and there is still no news of her whereabouts.
City police have formed a special task force, headed by Sentul police chief ACP K. Kumaran, to find the girl, and members of the unit are following up on several leads.However, city police chief DCP Zul Hasnan Najib Baharudin, who confirmed this, declined to elaborate."I urge the public to come forward and help police in tracing the girl," he said.Nurin Jazlin’s father, Jazimin Abdul Jalil, is conducting a daily search for his daughter and has combed almost the entire Klang Valley for her.
The 33-year-old taxi driver’s efforts to locate his daughter, the second of four children, has been futile so far but he is not giving up.Nurin Jazlin, a Year Two pupil at SK Desa Setapak, failed to return home after going to the pasar malam in Section 1, Wangsa Maju, at 8.30pm on Aug 20.An eyewitness claimed that he saw the girl being dragged into a white van."Nurin would usually go to the pasar malam with her 9-year-old sister," said Jazimin, adding that she went for religious classes during the day.However, he said on the day she went missing, her mother Norazian Bistaman, 35, allowed her to go alone, thinking that nothing would happen to her as the pasar malam was located only about 500m from their home.Jazimin said his wife cried every day, pining for their daughter.
Nurin Jazlin suffers from high blood pressure and kidney problems and her parents are worried that she is not taking her medication."My wife is worried sick and she feels so helpless, blaming herself for what has happened." Jazimin said his daughter liked to go to the pasar malam and would ask for permission before she went."Please help find my daughter. We miss her very much and we are worried for her safety as well as her health."
Police had recorded more than 30 statements from various witnesses. More than 300 personnel from the police, Rela, City Hall and Rukun Tetangga have participated in search operations over the past six days.Jazimin said he was grateful for the outpouring of help from concerned Malaysians and well-wishers who had visited him to give encouragement and support.
Let's do our part. If you've seen her, please alert the nearest law enforcement offices in your area.
Let's pray for her safety and that she could be reunited again with her family.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Yesterday's Anecdote
I had to endure standing up for about 3hrs straight at the taxi stand in front of my office building. My feet hurts, my back was killing me and I was damn chilled to the bone. I tried radio cab but none was willing to dispatch their cabs. Well, I don’t blame them. The rain was kinda like the rush of the Niagara Falls. Sheets of heavy rain decided to give the lower part of my body one cold shower after another. My toes felt numb and oh…what I'd give for the taste of big cup of hot coffee! 3 hrs later, I finally managed to get a cab. When I reached the LRT station in Kg. Baru, my god! It’s deserted and I was all alone. Great, just what I needed. Shivering and terrified…a bad way to end your day, indeed! The image of a lone man in a long, dark hooded trench coat brandishing a mean looking dagger, preying on unsuspecting females was actually making chaos in my mind. The train only emerged about 15 minutes later.
Upon reaching Universiti station, again, braving the rain, I decided to jog to the other side of the road. By the time I got there, I was dripping wet. Geez, might as well rub some shower cream to my body and shampoo my ratty hair! I reached home around 10.05pm! Ditching coffee, I opted for herbal tea, supposedly to soothe my frayed nerves. Gulped two tablets of Panadol and dived straight to my bed.
I woke up this morning with a heavy sense of the big capital L (that’s lazy) dreading the day ahead. I really really wanted to bury myself in the comfort of my bed and continue sleeping for, like, a zillion years? Yeah right, as if I have much choice. Hell, dragging my ass off the bed was a torture.
Now, an ideal way of spending my day in bed will be just like this :-)

Yep...wistful thinking, girl!
Monday, September 3, 2007
It's a huge moth or issit a butterfly?

Well, I left my windows opened so the thing could fly out. Dunno what happened to it eventually as I fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, the thing was gone. Guess it managed to find its way out..
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Office Kamasutra

Last Weekend, my girlfriend and I hit the bookshop in Mid Valley - MPH Bookstore. While wandering around, we came accross with this little handbook. Naturally, we flipped it open and started to scan the illustrations inside, and *lol* what we found was quite amusing and hillarious. In fact, we were giggling like school girls, accompanied by occasional wow, oooh, and ahhh!
I've managed to snap a picture of the book's front cover with my camera phone. Yep, the above pic was the result.
Kamasutra, internet's version *lol* -^^-
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Cigarette-smoking Jesus caricature raises uproar
a bit difficult to comprehend. I mean, how in earth they allowed this sort of thing happened?
Yes, I'm talking about that cigarette-smoking Jesus caricature (which was published in the local Tamil newspaper).
Excerpt from Malaysia Today:
THE publication of a caricature of Jesus Christ in a Tamil newspaper, with a cigarette in one hand and what looks like a beer can in another, has caused an uproar.Malaysia's Makkal Osai daily printed the picture on the front page of its Tuesday edition.
The caption quoting the figure said: 'If someone repents for his mistakes, then heaven awaits them.' The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism wants the authorities to investigate the matter. 'Firstly, I'm surprised as to how they could make that mistake... it is a grave mistake,' said the council's president, Datuk A. Vaithilingam. 'Newspapers should avoid publishing this kind of pictures as it causes hurt to people of that religion,' he said.
The daily yesterday published an apology. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malaysia called for a ban on Makkal Osai, referring to a recent precedent. 'When two newspapers published a caricature of Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban early last year, the government took immediate action banning the two newspapers. It was a right decision. 'Now we have this and they too should be served the same punishment as a lesson to others,' Bishop Julious Paul said.
The Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Murphy Pakiam, said: 'This caricature of the picture of Jesus, holding a cigarette in one hand and apparently a beer can in the other hand, is a desecration and therefore hurtful to the religious sentiments of Catholics. 'It is certainly in bad taste for the editor of Makkal Osai to publish such a picture, although the message in the accompanying words is an attempt to call repentant sinners to hope and salvation.'
Contacted by Malaysiakini news portal, Makkal Osai news editor B. R. Rajen said the person responsible for allowing the image to be published has been suspended indefinitely. He said the publication of the caricature was not motivated by malicious intent. The paper's apology, carried prominently on the second page, stated: 'The leaders and philosophers with their respective message to the society are meant as food for the brain.'
The paper said the caricature was taken from the Internet. - BERNAMA
So, okay. It's taken from the Internet. We can accept that. There are so many lunactics out there, spewing nonsense, generating hateful propagandas and abusing the internet in the name of Freedom of Speech. I'm not trying to be a NAYSAYER here and please spare me some "get real, little girl! it's mad mad world out there" rebuttal. Heck, I think common sense can be applied, no? Malaysia is a multi-racial country and may I add, the public is kind of 'sensitive' when it comes to religion. Yes, people are vulnerable when it comes to 'delicate' issue and I couldn't blame them.
Well, it's a good thing that the Editor of the newspaper has greatly apologized, I hope.
I hope those political vultures won't make this screw-up as their "Ticket To Mytardom"
Yeah, like, you can kiss my perky ass?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Magnificent Sipadan
I'm literally drooling while looking at these achingly magnificent shots of oceanic island of Sipadan, located in Tawau. Time to update my "Must Visit" itinerary. Sipadan's seabed is an explosion of more than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species and it never fails to wow the worlds's sea-diving enthusiasts.
Here's a collection of best shots courtesy of DivingBear

The Long Absence..
For 6 years.. I haven't been writing anything. The last entry that I posted was in October 2016! Damn! That feels like a century ago.....
Dear my recruits & accidental readers, Please don't be alarmed of this announcement! My lappy is not in trouble, nor am I saying k...
Date: 12th June, 2012 Time: 0900hrs- 1030hrs Location: Sabah & Labuan The popular talk among Sabahans and Labuan folks yesterday ...
yes, nokuro ? why must you broke down when your warranty expired narrowly just one day before you decided to torture my wallet? now, i'...