Friday, July 29, 2011

Kodak moments of the yesteryears..

LOL! Have you ever take out your ancient albums and relived your Kodak moments? I remember when I was little, I used to take out my ancient family's albums, full of my relatives' pictures! Oh dear, the amount of 'classic shots'  mostly in big hair, bell bottoms, wedges, jersey dresses, big lapels and etc etc.  The most important part in picture taking back on those days were: 

1.  Picture of you holding a stalk of artificial/real flowers
2. You, hoisting up a cassette/tape recorder player or as the kampong folks call as "rediu" on the shoulder, arm akimbo, leg propped on a rock/tree stumps
3. A black/white studio portrait of your family (normally the youngest child would be sitting on the mother's lap) and there's always a prop like an antique vast, blooming with artificial bouquet)
4. Your parents/aunts/uncles in big lapels and small shirt, wearing bell bottoms trousers
5. Fat side burns and  handlebars moustache, afro hair, big sunglases
6. Ladies in plank/platform shoes & jump suits
7. It's all about that thick/black eyeliners, baby! 
8. 80s fashion: Everything was NEON/bright colors 
9. Big shoulder pads, big hair, big collars, and ironically  high-waisted, skinny & flared trousers!
10. Those neon colored leggings & spandex!
11. Guys were still favoring those flared jeans/trousers
12. End of 80s: ripped off skinny jeans, acid washed jeans, neon colored fishnet shirts! OMG)
13. All the ladies were sporting 'kuriting kasar" hair styles
14. By this time, holding a stalk of flowers was not an 'in thing' but you rather had the whole flowerbeds as your props! 
15. The 80's and 90s: Your cool factor decrease if you don't own a KONICA/KODAK camera! 

LMAO, here's me and my cousin trying to recreate the classic kodak moment, circa 1980s:

Pose - checked! Bench - Checked! Lighting? very bad! i guess this pic would be great if we were in the park, with lots of light. HAHAHAHA...!


  1. LOL! People back then with their 'in' fashion. Gotta give credit to that! two should do the one with the flower prop la, eyes looking somewhere up, with hair band, etc hehehe

  2. For a moment there i thought you were going to show your old photos from the 90s hehehe.Tau2 posing ja.

  3. Carol,
    I'm planning to unearth those classic pics, scan and post them here! That's it, if I can manage to selongkar our home storage!

    Hahahaha! Those 90s pics were hugely embarrassing!

  4. guess what, my mom still keep her 80's dress with very tabal punya shoulder pads! haha!

    and we still keep that kodak camera till now. i still remember when i told my bro that i want a lomo camera, and he gave me that old kodak kamera! "nah ini barula lomo" debilang! miahahah :D

  5. Deanona,
    LOL! Kodak/Konica were the very IN thing in that psychedelic period of our lives! Well, my sis's mother-in-law keeps on insisting that she should inherit her 80s dresses, which my sis of course said:
    "thank u la mami, tapi inda la kali. Sa nda suka pakai dress2. Mami kasi la sama kawan2 mami, manatau derang blh pass dgn keluarga derang"


The Long Absence..

 For 6 years.. I haven't been writing anything.  The last entry that I posted was in October 2016! Damn! That feels like a century ago.....